UMC Organizations

Below you can find information on various Boards and Agencies within the UMC.


The General Board of Church and Society is dedicated to the work of living faith, seeking justice, and pursuing peace. 


The Virginia Conference Board of Church and Society engages local congregations to implement the Social Principles of The United Methodist Church throughout the conference.


The purpose of the Board of Laity is to challenge, inspire and equip the laity of the Virginia conference for ministry in our churches and the world.

The VAUMC Lay Leader is Martha Stokes


The Virginia Conference Board of Ordained Ministry is responsible for supporting persons who respond to God’s call to professional ministry.


Committee on the Episcopacy

The function of The Committee on the Episcopacy, per the Book of Discipline 637.3, is to advise and counsel the bishop, and to appraise the balance of the bishop’s relationship and responsibilities to the conference.

The co-chairs of the Virginia COE are Tom Berlin and Martha Stokes.


The Common Table is a circle of spiritual leadership empowered by the Virginia Annual Conference to coordinate and prioritize the ministries and resources of the Conference.


The Virginia United Methodist Commission on Disabilities (COD) functions as a resource group to conference boards and agencies to enable persons with all types of disabilities and challenging conditions to participate to the fullest extent possible as members of the Body of Christ on the local, district, and conference levels.


GCORR will not rest in its work of challenging and equipping the church to complete its unfinished agenda of dismantling racial discrimination. We continue to do this by championing diversity, equity and inclusion; developing interculturally competent leaders; and catalyzing authentic community.


The General Commission on the Status and Role of Women (COSROW) advocates for full participation of women in the total life of The United Methodist Church. We’re helping the church recognize every person – clergy and lay, women and men, adults and children - as full and equal parts of God’s human family.


VAUMC branch of COSROW. Recognizing that every person, woman or man, is a full and equal part of God’s human family, The United Methodist Church is committed to the full and equal responsibility and participation of women in the total life and mission of the church, sharing fully in the policy making at all levels of the church.


Asian American Ministers Association (A.A.M.A.) is a body of the United Methodist Clergy in the Virginia Annual Conference.


The mission of the Commission on Ethnic Minority Concerns and Advocacy (CEMCA) is to serve as a prophetic voice for the full and equal participation of ethnic and racial constituents into the total life and mission of the Virginia Annual Conference (its churches, boards and agencies, and institutional and connectional structures) by educating, advocating, and holding to account God’s church to inclusivity as God’s intended design for all structures and processes, toward the work of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world in word and deed.


Native American Ministries is the Native American caucus of the UMC.


MARCHA (Methodist Associated Representing the Cause of Hispanic Americans) is the Hispanic Caucus of the UMC


Strengthening the Black Church for the 21st Century (SBC-21) works to strengthen congregations to transform communities through leadership development, discipleship-making systems, revitalization and real-time social justice ministry.


Black Methodists for Church Renewal (BMCR), Inc is the organized Black caucus of the UMC.


The New Federation of Asian American United Methodists (NFAAUM) works to empower Asian American local churches, to articulate the needs of Asian American United Methodists, to promote Asian American ministries, and to coordinate Asian American programs within the UMC.